
Makeup and Beauty Blog on Twitter

Makeup and Beauty Blog on Twitter


Tabs on Twitter
Click here to follow me on Twitter…

What is Twitter? — As far as I can tell so far (and I’m VERY late to the party), Twitter is at least two different things, the first of which is the reason I refrained from using it for so long.

The beauty of Twitter
  1. It’s an instant messaging/chat service similar to the old AOL chat rooms, AIM or MSN, except that it makes it easier to carry on conversations with large groups of people (from one to potentially millions of people in the same conversation!) and archives each individual message (aka a Tweet) on the web.
  2. Twitter’s also a great way to find and instantly communicate with people and businesses with similar interests (in my case cats, photography, blogging, writing, randomness, makeup and beauty).

How do I know this?

Because of something that happened last week…

It was early on Thursday morning. I was at my computer, drinking coffee in my pajamas and catching up on beauty news online. I saw a blurb in my feed reader for a blog post titled, “Illamasqua Coming to Sephora!!!!”

Holy shizz! Fo’ reals? I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I Googled for info and called Illamasqua to confirm.

It was true, and guess where the news first broke — where did it first appear?

You guessed it: Twitter. :)

Even though I’m afraid I’ll get sucked in, that I’ll need a Twitter intervention by Christmas, who cares? All of the big cosmetics and beauty companies are tweeting out coupon codes, announcing new products, events and sales on Twitter; I can no longer resist.

If you have any Twitter tips or just want to scold me for taking so long to join, let me know in the comments (or via Twitter, ha! Love the irony). I pledge to make up for my lateness with frequent Twittaway beauty giveaways and breaking beauty news.

Quick and easy

I was also really surprised by how easy it was to make a Twitter account. It’s free and easier than ordering a book on Amazon. The toughest part was choosing a username.

My first choice (mbb) was already taken. I’d wanted something short because of how people send messages on Twitter, and “makeupandbeautyblog” isn’t exactly short, right?

So, on Twitter I’m karenmbb. Tweet ya later.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Do you use Facebook? On Facebook I’m at facebook.com/makeupandbeautyblog. I have my Twitter and Facebook accounts linked, so you can reach me at either one.

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